Theme: Opportunities to explore the natural environment

Access to the water and the unique ecosystems that reside at our waterways is a value that should be preserved. Providing opportunities to protect nature and allow it to ‘just be’ is essential for current and future generations to enjoy the Gold Coast waterways.

Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree

Idea: Create more swimming enclosures along our waterways

People who live and visit the Gold Coast enjoy swimming in our waterways. The provision of more swimming enclosures provides a sense of safety for people, as it clearly designates a swimming area. There is the opportunity to add more swimming enclosures up and down the coast, like you can see in the photo below at Paradise Point.

Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree

Theme: Opportunities to explore the natural environment

Access to the water and the unique ecosystems that reside at our waterways is a value that should be preserved. Providing opportunities to protect nature and allow it to ‘just be’ is essential for current and future generations to enjoy the Gold Coast waterways.

Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree

Idea: Create more swimming enclosures along our waterways

People who live and visit the Gold Coast enjoy swimming in our waterways. The provision of more swimming enclosures provides a sense of safety for people, as it clearly designates a swimming area. There is the opportunity to add more swimming enclosures up and down the coast, like you can see in the photo below at Paradise Point.

Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree