Model By-Law for Doug Jennings Park
Doug Jennings Park is a popular location for fishing, diving, surfing, walking, swimming and relaxing for tourists and locals alike. Unfortunately, over the past 30 years the area has become degraded and has attracted some inappropriate uses. As part of the ongoing work to enhance Doug Jennings Park on The Spit and provide a world class destination for the whole community, GCWA proposes to adopt the ‘Trust Land Protection and Use Model By-law 2009’ to help manage uses of the park and address issues such as camping, littering and off-road driving.
Public notification and consultation on the proposal to adopt the model by-law ran from 20 June to 15 July 2016. The overwhelming majority (85%) of the 46 submissions were in support of the proposal. Based on this clear support, GCWA adopted the ‘Trust Land Protection and Use Model By-law 2009’ for Doug Jennings Park. The model by-law came into effect on Friday 9 September 2016 when it was published in the Queensland Government Gazette.
The model by-law ensures that everyone has a fair go at enjoying the recreational opportunities on offer at this waterfront park overlooking The Broadwater. It is yet another way that GCWA is improving Doug Jennings Park and enhancing opportunities to access our world class waterways on the Gold Coast. Other improvements include a dive platform, a new amenities block, connection to Councils sewerage network, extra beach showers and even a dog wash facility, as well as an upgrade to the Seaway Kiosk with new toilets and a new roof. We have also replenished the sand on the foreshore of the southern end of the park known as Moondarewa Spit (previously known as The Spit Finger) and are in the process of building a new road, designated car parking bays and planting dune vegetation.