Meet The Board | March 2020 Update

We wanted to minimise any potential risk of the novel coronavirus being transmitted at our quarterly community meeting. As such, we made the decision to cancel our Meet The Board on Monday 16 March.

We put the call out to you all and asked if you have any questions you’d like answered. Thank you for submitting your queries, please see the Q+A below.

Q         What’s the latest with the Spit Master Plan implementation?

DSDMIP has provided an initial $5 million of funding for GCWA to roll out the first two projects, which is an upgrade to Moondarewa Spit and the Seaway Promenade to create world-class facilities for Gold Coast locals and visitors to enjoy.

Both projects are currently in the design phase, with Southport-based firm Place Design Group currently creating detailed designs. Construction is due to commence in the middle of this year and be completed before Christmas.

We’ve set up a page on our website where you can keep up to date with project milestones.

See here:

Q         Has there been any developments with the shoaling in the Nerang River?

There are currently three aids to navigation marking shallower areas in the Nerang River for safer navigation. The notices to mariners for these are 518(T) of 2019 and 539 of 2019, both of which can be found here:

Our operations team continues to follow-up on these, to make sure the aids remain in the most reliable position to help inform boat masters.

Q         I attended the last meeting and brought up about the shoreline at South Currigee being destroyed by the “big” boats going past at 40 knots within 100 metres of the shoreline. Has this been looked into at all?

Yes, our team looked into this further shortly after the meeting. GCWA met with representatives from the South Stradbroke Island Residents Committee, explaining our approach to speed limits and outlining the body of work done by GCWA to date. We conducted field observations during peak periods to measure the extent of the issue, installed new signs to raise awareness about the wake from larger boats and anchoring arrangements close to the beach, and we established three new large navigation buoys to help guide larger vessels at least 100 metres from the shore. These updates were provided to the president of the committee for circulation to committee members and residents. If you have any further questions, please call us on 07 5539 7350

 Q         Just wondering how the new speed limit of 40 knots for less than 6.5m & 6 knots for greater than 6.5m on the South Arm of the Coomera river is working out and if this is likely to be applied to any of the other dual zones, replacing the 8m with 6.5m?

To clarify, the new speed limit is 30 knots for boats less than 6.5 metres and 6 knots for those vessels 6.5 metres and over. We continue to receive very positive feedback from the local community, particularly the boating public and maritime industry. Our work for speed limits in other areas will follow the evidence-based approach, aiming for the right balance of promoting and improving access, and ensuring marine safety.

As part of our Scientific Research and Management Program we are gathering data on different users and uses on the waterways, including trialling potential speed detection technology. This data will be used to inform future management of the waterways.

Thank you for your understanding with cancelling our community meeting.

To keep up to date with the latest health advice, please keep an eye on QLD Health’s page here.