Upgrade sparks Sand Bypass System improvements

High voltage switch gear which keeps the Gold Coast’s Sand Bypass System pumping is about to undergo a major upgrade.

We’ve awarded a $1.2 million contract for the work to locally based firm, TEW Solutions.

The investment is vital because the Sand Bypass System supports safe, navigable access to the Gold Coast Seaway and coastal inland waterways network for the marine, tourism and recreation industries and the thousands of Gold Coast jobs they support.

The Sand Bypass System has been reliably pumping sand north and helping keep the Seaway open for boaties for more than 30 years, relying on the same high voltage switching gear installed back in the late 1980s.

Whilst it’s done a great job the switching gear is reaching the end of its natural life so it’s time for us to upgrade it in line with modern operational and safety standards.

This project builds on other investments we’ve recently made to improve the System’s operations including strengthening the jetty decking to support bigger maintenance cranes, and the installation of solar panels to meet daytime electricity needs.

The Sand Bypass System was the first of its kind in the world and is designed to transport 500,000 cubic metres of sand from The Spit to South Stradbroke Island each year.

Ongoing improvements saw it pump almost 661,000 cubic metres along the coastline last financial year.

The upgrade to the high voltage switchgear is expected to be finished in August this year.