About Us

About Us

Our Vision – A Waterways City

These three focus areas aim to ensure the Gold Coast continues to embrace our waterways as it embraces the opportunities of being a waterways city.

  • Access

    Providing boats and other vessels quick and easy access to the Gold Coast waterways from a launching point such as a boat ramp, jetty or pontoon.

  • Connections

    Providing a safe and easy navigable channel network across all Gold Coast waterways that is supported by infrastructure needed to access it, such as buoy moorings.

  • Destinations

    Promoting various Gold Coast waterway locations for a variety of uses including recreation, events and industry activities such as shipbuilding and maintenance, tourism, film and television production. Ensuring locations are maintained and regulated to ensure accessibility and enjoyment for all.

Our Mission

Our mission is to manage and enhance Gold Coast waterways in partnership with the public and on behalf of the Queensland Government.

We aspire to set the standard for and spread the principles of world-class coastal management and waterways management – emphasising environmental excellence – to improve the quality of open waterways space for the enjoyment of all.

In embracing this mission, the GCWA of the future will retain and build on its successful infrastructure program while adopting a broader focus on supporting sustainable commercial and recreational uses of the waterways as the Gold Coast population grows, including an increase in aquatic events, managing these multiple uses and ensuring acceptable behaviours as well as preserving environmental values including water quality and waterways resilience.


  • Integrated, place-based management

    Land and waterways network planning and management are integrated and centred around local needs and local solutions.

  • Engaged users and communities

    Residents of the Gold Coast and surrounding areas value, use, understand, protect, respect, enhance and enjoy the waterways

  • Sustainable and resilient waterways

    Waterways and land are sustainably managed and are resilient to the impacts of population growth, economic and environmental challenges, and climate change.

Our Strategy

The Gold Coast Waterways Management Strategy 2021-2030 is the second 10-year strategy prepared by the Authority to guide the responsible management of the Gold Coast’s waterways and the Authority’s land-based reserves.

Since the first Strategy was published in 2014, the Gold Coast waterways and the GCWA have undergone significant changes. With population increases, changes in use and the addition of responsibilities under the Implementation of the Spit Master Plan Act 2020, there was a clear need to refresh the Strategy and align the direction of the GCWA towards the opportunities and challenges of today.

The strategy outlines the collective vision of the GCWA, our agency partners, the City of Gold Coast, the community and industry for the future of the waterways. It provides clear guidance on the development and implementation of the waterways management plan whilst ensuring alignment with other plans such as The Spit Master Plan and the Queensland Government’s objectives for the community.

This Strategy provides the foundations to ensure that locals and visitors can continue to enjoy, and thrive in our waterways city now, and into the future.