Our Organisation

Our Organisation

With five rivers, 170km of navigable waterways and more than 750 hectares of lakes and dams to manage, the Gold Coast Waterways Authority plays a vital role in planning, managing and protecting the Gold Coast’s iconic waterways.

With boating registrations in the region growing at more than twice the State-wide growth rate, water governance and the responsibility for ensuring the Gold Coast’s waterways remain something that residents can use, understand, protect, respect, enhance and enjoy is crucial.

The Queensland Government established Gold Coast Waterways Authority (GCWA) on 1 December 2012 to deliver the best possible management of the Gold Coast waterways at reasonable cost to the community and government, while keeping regulation to a minimum.

Other purposes under the GCWA Act are the following:

  • plan for and facilitate the development and management of the Gold Coast waterways in the long term
  • improve and maintain navigational access to the Gold Coast waterways
  • develop and improve public marine facilities relating to the Gold Coast waterways, (e.g. via the development of pontoons, and management of Gold Coast boat ramps and jetties)
  • promote and manage the sustainable use of the Gold Coast waterways for marine industries, tourism and recreation, including aquatic events.

Gold Coast waterways include all rivers, canals, lakes and dams within the City of Gold Coast local government area as well as the areas at the mouth of the Nerang River, Currumbin Creek and Tallebudgera Creek. Assets include the Gold Coast Seaway and Sand Bypass System, including interests in the associated Crown reserves of Doug Jennings Park, Wave Break Island, the Southern Tip of South Stradbroke Island and The Spit Gold Coast  – and a recognised network of 33 channels

We’re a statutory authority led by a decision-making board of seven members and Chief Executive Officer Chris Derksema. The board is appointed by, and accountable to the Minister for Transport and Main Roads, the Honourable Brent Mickelberg MP.

The Gold Coast Waterways Authority Act (2012) requires GCWA to prepare a 10-year Waterways Management Strategy and an annual Waterways Management Program that provides a rolling 1+3-year investment plan. Investment under the Program must be consistent with the Strategy.

  • Gold Coast Boating
  • 5 rivers
    • 700 commercially registered vessels
    • 40% increase in jetski registrations over the past 4 years
    • 36,000 recreational boat registrations as of December 2024
  • Gold Coast
  • 12 M/visitors each year
    • 600,000+ residents, forecast to double to 1 million by 2050
    • Australia’s most biologically diverse city, home to more than 1300 animal and 1700 plant species
    • Australia’s largest marine precinct generating economic outputs worth $440 million with a flow-on to the Qld economy of $770 million & over 6000 jobs for Queenslanders
  • Our Gold coast waterways
  • 170 km
    • 774 hectares of lakes and dams
    • Part of Moreton Bay which hosts 113,000 hectares of internationally significant listed wetlands