10-Year Strategy | Expressions of Interest Working Group

We’re working to create a shared vision for our beautiful waterways, one which truly reflects what the community wants to see. We’re talking about a blueprint to help us deliver the best possible management of the waterways into the future that is aligned to the vision of the community.

As part of that vision, we want to celebrate the cultural, social, economic and environmental values which make our waterways special and set us apart from every other community in Australia.

We can’t do this on our own which is why the Gold Coast Waterways Authority is inviting Expressions of Interest from individuals and organisations to join a working group to help us update our 10-year waterways strategy.

By co-designing the strategy with you, we hope to create a model for waterways management which other communities will want to follow, and which changes the way locals and visitors view and use our waterways.

You may be wondering what sort of commitment you’ll need to make in terms of your time. The initial working group meeting will take place on 1 September from 9am to midday. If you can’t make this session, we’re planning two more working group meetings before the end of December with a view to present our updated strategy to our Board early next year.

When it comes to your imagination, ideas and enthusiasm, GCWA encourages you to contribute as much as you can. Our waterways city has an exciting future ahead – to play a part in shaping it, please nominate by registering here. The EOI closed at 11.59pm on Tuesday 18 August 2020. 

If you have any additional ideas or feedback for our 10-Year Strategy update, please contact us via the below methods:

Email: mail@ydsgroup2.com.au
Phone: 07 5539 7350
Facebook: facebook.com/GoldCoastWaterwaysAuthority/
Postal address: PO Box 107, Southport Qld 4215