It’s important that you contact GCWA before purchasing a replacement vessel.
If you sell or otherwise dispose of your vessel using the approved buoy mooring, you may either:
- apply for an amendment to the approval, identifying a suitable replacement vessel* for that buoy mooring within 30 days of the date of disposal of the original vessel (you must provide a bill of sale or proof of vessel registration in your name as the holder of the buoy mooring approval); or
- you may surrender the buoy mooring approval.
If you opt to surrender the buoy mooring approval, GCWA can potentially offer the buoy mooring location to the next person on the waiting list after an evaluation process. It’s essential to note that as a buoy mooring approval holder, you do not “own” the seabed location for the buoy mooring and the authority holds no monetary value. It is merely an approval from GCWA as the approving entity for you to establish a buoy mooring.
Generally, a suitable replacement vessel, could be a vessel from 6 metres to 15 metres in length. Vessels up to 6 metres may be transported by trailer, while vessels over 15 metres should be berthed in a marina.
A suitable replacement vessel, according to GCWA, is a vessel greater than 6 metres that cannot be transported by trailer and would be appropriate to use the buoy mooring.
To change the vessel using the buoy mooring, the buoy mooring authority holder must request an amendment to the authority from GCWA. The holder must provide all details of the replacement vessel to enable an informed assessment of space necessities (depth and swing) for the buoy mooring location.
If the new ship is larger than the specified vessel identified in the buoy mooring authority, a new report from an RPEQ certifying that the buoy mooring is “fit for purpose” is likely necessary.
For further buoy mooring information, please contact GCWA on 07 5539 7350.